My Saga - a Saga about YOUR Ancient Past
Everyone has DNA and your DNA has stories to tell. Lets Reveal them! In just 5 minutes our cutting-edge genetic services will process your DNA file and reveal your Ancient Ancestors. Watch demo.
How it works?
We compare your DNA to over 10,000 Ancient Individuals including actual Vikings, Romans, Celts, Ancient Egyptians and more from REAL Archaeological sites.
We reveal your Ancient Ancestors based on comparing your DNA to Ancient DNA using cutting-edge science and reveal the genetic ties at the chromosome level.
We present your results as an incredible video you can watch and share with your friends and family.
How to Create MySaga
There are several providers to assist you with this step. You can learn more about types of testing, compare providers, and even find a discount code on our DNA Testing page
Sign up with just an email and Upload your DNA File - within just 10 minutes we will connect you to your ancient past. Your upload is anonymous, secure and will be removed after processing completes.
MySaga is the story of your Ancient Past. Your DNA is brought to life and you can watch it, save it and share it with friends and family.
Archaeological Certainty
MySaga.com compares your DNA to those of over 10,000 real ancient individuals representing over 150 Ancient Civilizations to trace your past. That's right, real archaeological samples from real individuals, who lived up to 10,000 years ago.
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Real History
With the help of our historians and archaeologists we provide the most accurate and up-to-date information from Archaeological Sites and Research. You may even uncover your own ties to famous Individuals, Events or Locations. Your DNA will reveal all!
Cutting-edge Genetic Science
MySaga.com utilizies the latest genetic discoveries and mathematical algorithms to reveal your ancestral history. We perform billions of calculations and use the latest artificial intelligence to help you create your own MySaga.
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